Offerings Overview

In addition to my general consulting services, I am so pleased to offer a dynamic range of offerings from deep dive private retreats to private coaching to sensual tea experiences. All programs are subject to customization based on request.


Personal Immersions

1/2 day to 2-day private design retreats to realign your purpose & brand essence.


Private coaching program

3 to 6 month deep process to hone your life purpose, ritual life design, and creative expression.

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Gene Keys reading

90-minute intensive sessions to gain clarity on your unique blueprint of work, love and spirituality.



See my menu of one-time Power readings for times of transition and lightning change.

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Nightingale: Annual Integration Immersion

1-month immersion to integrate your year, distill key learnings and envision your year ahead.

Need a Custom Quote?

I would be happy to put together a custom quote for your retreat, organization, or your individual practice. Please contact me and share a little blurb about you and your project, and we’ll set up a 30-minute consultation call to find the best alignment.