Building the Bridge to the New Synarchy
This years’ YIR is about the simple invitation into several specific prismatic Portals to Synarchy. These are a few amongst thousands that are arising in this moment now. Honoured to be a divine Vessel for Her, and to be walking alongside the bounteous light beings and councils that are co-elevating right now on the Planet towards the divine plan.
Below are are simple overviews of 4 Living Portals that were birthed in 2021 that are Fertile Invitations for your Co-Involutionary Impulses. May you Honour your Dharma and move where you are called. Annointing your Sovereign choice & inner Gnosis as navigation, co-evolution & benevolence.
Synthesis: We are raising $8.8M this year under a hybrid “Health Ministry” entity (tax-deductible donation ala a church tithe), and exploring partnerships with other orgs on co-raising a large DAF Fund ($111M+). Please write directly if you are interested in becoming a Patron.
It is time for the Mystery schools to Synergize under a meta-architecture, code named Neptune Dojo for now. Learn more here.
Currently calling in an executive director for the youth apprenticeship program (in partnership with WIA)
We will be HQ in California, Greece and Hawaii islands, and continue to host holographic portals to sacred water sites.
Join our New Moon council circle, Liquid Crystal here.
Neptune has instructed us to construct the first alchemical Water Temple in Greece. The scouting process has been underway for 3 years & we have finally landed on exact coordinates of Tinos, Greece.
I am moving to the Greek island of Tinos (30 min above Mykonos island) in the Cyclades archipelago by Spring 2022 & in process of getting my residential visa for the EU. The vision is to be there half the year (May-Oct).
Share your details here to get involved or stay informed in the Unfoldment.
Service Councils
Crystal Sisters Council
Daikini Council / Venus Dojo
By Invitation/Application
These two projects are both sacred workings that require deep patience, curation, discernment & the test of Time. For those who feel called to the Mysteries and to being part of a mystery school, temple or sacred Initiate path — read on.
Both projects are by invitation & application only. Please contact directly to inquire with any further questions.
Red Lotus Temple
Synthesis: Pilgrimages into the Sacral Mysteries. Holographic in-person immersions, paired with a private digital Portal with continuous curation, ritual practices & concierge integration support.
We’ve just completed the completion of our first cohort of Patron Initiates that went through our 3-6-12 month Inner Pilgrimages, activated by a constellation of highly trained Temple Daikinis. Deep bows to our beloved Patron Initiates with whom we could not do this work.
We will be hosting a fresh cycle of co-ed Patron Initiates starting this Feb 2022, and calling upon aligned individuals and partnerships that are truly ready for this deep work.
Gaze into our public Overview PDF below, and inquire with our Concierge lead Joana to receive more intel on Initiate Pricing Matrix & application process:
Deep Bows to Joana and the deep web of priestesses that serve in pure Devotion & multi-dimensional gifts the Temple. Deep bows to the collaboration and continuous co-elevation with the Holographic Temple and the Pink Temple in NY, and the Galactic Councils that support this work.
Sample Initiate Portal
Our Daikini training curricula for Daikini Practitioners
Temple Design Commissions —
We also completed our first complete Temple Design project at a philanthropically-funded land project in Grass Valley this summer, as well as the renovation of personal home temple on Kelly property in Pacifica. Deep continous bows to Ginny and her generous offering of her Sebastapol Temple space as fertile, sanctified grounds for the birthing of the Temple.
Ritual Collective
We completed the site in Spring, and since then, have been in a deep transitional year with this project; it has asked us to remain in a restful pause until more clarity has presented itself. We are also also open to partnering with an existing media platform that is Aligned & shared our Core Virtues, or to finding the aligned small team to operate the project in integrity. Please reach out directly:
We are also seeking practitioners and partners to feature who embody these virtues to include and amplify their divine work. Here is a sample profile of one of our favorite partners, Superbloom. Interested to be interviewed and profiled as a Practitioner or Partner? Reach out here.
Deep bows to the creative team who brought this first stage project to fruition: Emily & Wheeler from Latitude Studio, and the development team at Alchemy & Aim.
I kept my private design practice lean, yet deep and precise in 2021. Below are Select Portfolio custom brand design to build for private clients.
Gayle Karen Young
Brand Essence Coaching
Gene Keys
Brand Identity Development
Brand Strategy Document
Website Copywriting & Site Map
Website Design & Development
Tantra Flow
Brand Essence Coaching
Gene Keys
Private 2-day Immersion
Brand Identity Development
Brand Strategy Document
Website Copywriting & Site Map
Website Design & Development
Red Lotus 9-month Initiate Pilgrimage
9 Private half-day Immersions (in-person)
Brand Identity Development
Brand Strategy Document
Website Copywriting
Splash Page Design
Welcome to 2022
New Years day / oracular transmission (16 min)
Key Words: Yang Earth Tiger Year, I Ching, Mystery Schools, Boldness, Wayfinders, Pleasure, Yin Winter Void
Go Deeper
For those wishing to dive deeper, this is a 28 min. channeled ritual invocation, meditation & guided energy medicine session. Inviting your full openness, and preferably listened to laying on the ground, in a bath or raw earth. Cacao or tea warm beverage recommended to pair.
New Years Eve / ceremonial Invocation & Guided Ritual (28 min)
Key Words: Light Language, Star Gates, Sirian, Capella, Venus, Galactic Council, White Dragon

In Gracious Gratitude to my soul kin (you know who you are) & to all sentient beings with whom we Are One.
Annointing your BenevolenCE Beingness.
In dedication to the Awakening of all beings,