“A Designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.”
- R. Buckminster Fuller

Water Technology Research, Protection & Ritual
“There is a story about a young fish who swims up to an older fish and says: 'I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean.'
'The ocean?' the older fish says, 'that's what you're in right now.'
Ting helped me realize I was in the ocean.”
- Mia, Missing In Action Productions

Ritual Collective
Gridding the Ritual Practitioners & Communities of Practice
“Working with Ting is quite simply magical. Her knowledge, style and grace, together with multidisciplinary tools – design thinking, intuition, music, embodiment, ritual, visualization, and other creative processes – plus a deep care and belief in human potential – allowed us, through deep immersion, to access what my soul wanted to express. The result was not only a beautiful online presence (something that I’d felt ‘stuck’ on for years!), but a new way to nurture creativity and confidence, allowing me to continue to dig deeper to express what I have to give in this world.”
- Jennifer Conte-Davies, Leadership Development, Verizon Media

About ting
The Weaver behind the Web
About Ting
Photograph courtesy of Carson Linforth Bowley.
Ting Kelly is a ritual facilitator, oracular artist, and blueprint strategist who walks the path between worlds, the ancient temple arts and mystery schools, and the tables of the world’s radical visionaries and cultural renaissance patrons/matrons.
She devotes her practice of Design — of sacred spaces, rituals, curricula & products — to the awakening of every being’s divine Essence and the Realization of heaven on Earth. Being an "oracle seer”, she works entirely psychically, holographically & multi-dimensionally in collaboration with the celestial councils & earth agents of the light web.
Cultivated as an independent brand strategist & experience designer in Silicon Valley & globally for over 14 years, she now chooses to apply her training towards serving the true wisdom keepers on the planet — to weave the web of wisdom and wealth with the new paradigm virtues & sacred operating system (OS).
Her past clients have included city mayor offices to Fortune 100 executives to visionary founders to philanthropic foundations.
See 1-pager for summary portfolio, and the About page for deeper personal narrative and journey.
“You must learn one thing.
The world was made to be free in.
Give up all the other worlds
Except the one in which you belong.”
― David H. Whyte