2019 // A Year in Review
A Letter to the Reader
Dear Beloved Reader,
With a humble and blissful heart, I share this year’s Year in Review, which is a quite different than years past. Much less wordy, more simple and humble — like this year feels. It is in the form of a Poetry book, and a few highlights on seeds and projects that are under the works — but in no way are complete. After going through my hundreds of notes, photos, journals and calendars — ironically, the very process that I had designed — I needed to toss it all out. Everything felt too linear and abstract at the same time — and there was a constant sensation of amnesia — as if I couldn’t recognize or remember anything prior to Jan 2020. The only artifacts that resonated ended up being my poems and a few photos I captured in passing, mostly my iPhone. Last year was mostly a deeply internal process and one held deeply sacred.
I have since spent time studying the sacred process of Rebirth from many traditions — going deep in esoteric studies of astrology, ritual initiations, rites of passage, and cyclical relationships to Time as a construct. In Meso-American tribal rituals, the legend of the Bat is the symbol of rebirth. During this time of COVID, initiated by the Bat, these forces of Kali are penetrating every aspect of life to initiate the death of old ways of life, identity — or in short, our “reality architecture”. In ancient traditions, the initiate would entail brutal tests of physical strength and psychic ability, having every emotional “button” pushed hard, and even having to be buried in solitude in the earth to be reborn the next morning. The Gene Keys system has synthesized several traditions from mystic Christianity, Buddhism and the Kabbalist alchemists — and name the Nine Portal of Planetary Initiation as key patterns. Yet, whatever language we choose to use, the core fundamental patterns are similar.
It still felt important to close the loop and complete the year in review artifact — in a completely new way — allowing the process to evolve with me and the rest of the world. After moving in December and hosting Nightingale — it took me the last 3 months to reset and ground into this new decade ceremonially and spaciousness, allowing the time and space needed to fully metabolize the last year, my Saturn Return, and the start to this new year. The practice has been in learning how to truly forgive and love unconditionally. It has slow, steady, and deep. My heart has been broken open, and the floodgates of emotions are allowed to be expressed at last. My body has never felt better, and I am returning back to life — to the Light. So here we are at the end of March, in the turning to Spring — and I am finally able to sit and write to properly share with loved ones a window into my process.
I acknowledge that there may still be residual aspects of my bias, identity and ego wrapped in this, but know that it is my intention to share this out of my love for humanity and a divine call to share the inner treasures that have been cultivating internally.
This year’s Nightingale cohort had 14 incredible beings on the journey together, with participants from Australia, Berlin, to Detroit. I had the pleasure of incorporating everything I learned from the VESSEL online learning journey as well as the year prior, and taking the journey to another level — from recording custom meditations and rituals, to curating soundscapes, to creating new worksheets, to designing a new website platform and visual identity which supported a deeper process. Like VESSEL, I did Gene Keys readings for most participants to really customize the content to their evolutionary gifts and challenges — and found so much delight in weaving in divinations and small rituals into our live group calls. The whole experience was an incredible journey, leaving each of us changed — especially myself!
What I so deeply appreciate about this process is just how much gratitude and even deeper trust in the divine plan pours into me the deeper I go in. The beauty of Time is that it offers us a filter in which to enjoy the unfolding process, each clue placed in perfect time sequence, like notes on a page. There is an infinite well of wisdom no matter where we look — from the window of a day to the view of a year. I have learned to see the medicine and the magic web interwoven through everything — and this has been the greatest gift of all.
My hope is that this process can transmit Who is seeing the world as much as What we see. May these poems and the Spirit that channeled through them grace your day with deeper peace, remembrance and beauty, as they have for me. My wish is for them to inspire your inner artist, the songbird within you to express and share your truth in confidence and comfort, knowing how proud and thankful the Universe is of you — your unique spark. It’s time to shine, to share the good news, and to embrace our wholeness. Especially in these times of fear and uncertainty of the future, know how precious our words can manifest reality — how can our stories become our greatest power? How can we tell the truth, more brilliantly and beautifully than ever before to liberate ourselves into a better future?
We are who we’ve been waiting for. There is not time but now.
May the force be with you, warrior.
With grace and gratitude,
// Ting Ocean Diamond Kelly //
Ritual Playlist
For Nightingale this year, I made several playlists for different moods. I’m honored to get to share music that touches my heart with those I love. I encourage you to play this as you scroll through the review — and check out my Spotify for other playlists (including one for Quarantine!)
Poetry Book
Mytho-Poetic Thresholds
To offer a little earthly context for the Poetry Book, I would love to share a few mytho-poetic thresholds from 2019 that were significant:
I started the year by driving my compact car full of things to move into a 5-acre sanctuary on top of the Santa Fe desert canyon Jan 8th, overlooking a vast valley without a human in site, and home to a large flock of crows (which became my deep spirit guides) and an overgrowth of juniper berry bushes. This was my "meeting Satan in the desert” moment in many biblical texts, the ultimate meeting of oneself — with no where to hide. Every thought and emotion gets mirrored back immediately in the vacant chambers of the still desert. Socially I describe it as my “OS system getting wiped” stage of the death process. I was there for 6-months, incubating and preparing for what was coming in August.
I started a very special job in NYC in April (more about below), which was the beginning of the my Re-birth back into the human matrix and shifting identities out of the last 8-year career in Design & Tech and into my true Dharma work. This initiated a paradigm shift for the future of work — giving me a taste of what is possible in a post-capitalist system with a deeply nourishing and visionary culture. I was liberated into a new way of working and living — where there is no turning back.
Through a meditation retreat in August, I experienced a kundalini awakening — which truly began my spiritual Re-birth into another dimension of existence entirely. This initiated many other processes in which my entire mind/body/spirit was getting completed rebuilt and re-programmed. Many psychic and intuitive capacities turned on, sense gates opened and higher frequencies flooded my system — turning on and off new channels. I feel like I was given a new body — but the physical cells are still catching up. At first, I was terrified and felt like I was literally dying or going insane. I sometimes couldn’t sleep for 5 days and was experiencing all my past life traumas in liminal dream states. Not knowing who or what to ask for, I walked this path solo, with the psychic support of my close Dharma family. Now in March, I’ve finally found some gifted healers to work with to support the continued integration of this experience — and am slowly working on integrating practices to support the full Reboot.
I unexpectedly moved into my parents home for Sept - Dec to be a cocoon as I was in the “Primordial Goop” stage — healing childhood wounded patterning, experiencing intense regression and re-integration of my karmic lineage. In tandem, I was working with a functional nutritionist and kundalini healer on the deepest cellular and metabolic reset I’ve ever experienced. Out of this, VESSEL was birthed and shared with the world as an outer expression of this work, in service of others.
I found soul tribe with several learning communities — going deep into studying the things that I actually care about: from crystal grid work, to divination, ritual design and temple architecture. In this Bardo state, it allowed for the deepest exploration of my curiosities to be freed — and all the teachers and communities of practice presented themselves. I offer gratitudes to each community below.
I ended the year by driving the same car back from Santa Fe (via Sedona and Joshua Tree) into a sanctuary in California with soul family by Christmastime, while facilitating Nightingale. The Nightingale process served as a beautiful opportunity to give away almost everything I owned, cleanse my space, clear the decks and return to absolutely essentialism. And with COVID arriving in March, it gave me boosted permission to enter into this process even deeper and with more intention and care. A major blessing in disguise, and one that I feel like I’ve been preparing for my whole life. My honest reaction was total relief and confirmation of many visions I’d been receiving over years coming to fruition. The blessing has been the divine orchestration that allowed me to be situated safely back in California, living in a super luscious healing sanctuary with my own private space, in community with soul family. I couldn’t have prayed for a better vessel to move through these times. This is the first home that truly feels like my own, with every item intentionally chosen and crafted for my vessel, rituals and practice.
This last year was deeply about restructuring my ROOT chakra — reprogramming from the cellular level my sense of identity, family lineage ancestral patterns and healing, reconnection to my roots, my sense of home and stability, and claiming sovereignty of my own life — becoming the author of my life — moving from a Victimization mindset, and liberating myself from any confines of what I had been taught, told or even believed for myself. A wiping of the slate clean. Emptying the vessel. Starting anew.
I learned to mother myself. Connecting to Gaia and the divine mother. Discovering what NOURISHMENT truly felt like. Processing the depths of my karma on both maternal lineages — and reconciling and rewiring the mother nurturance that I didn’t receive. Honoring the passing of my paternal grandmother Patricia Kelly with deep reverence. Learning to SOFTEN, to receive and allow my feminine to be expressed in a healthy way with my masculine. To move really slowly, to accept being “unproductive, unattractive, un-famous, uncool” — all these stories that are told to us. To return to my essential nature.
Building CAPACITY for discomfort and pain. Learning how to hold myself through some of the scariest and most uncomfortable feelings where my root level feelings of safety and stability were being challenged, where there were slivers of me that still didn’t want to be here on Earth, the self-destructive dark patterns that still hadn’t been fully loved and accepted. Particularly this FALL with my family and experiencing so much discomfort, not feeling seen or held, and really needing to hold myself. I was deeply challenged all year, and it was really about the ROOT chakra. My capacity to be alone, in my aloneness, and take care of myself — proving to myself that I could do it — my sovereignty was claimed.
Key Projects
Ritual Collective
I had started the project 3 years ago, then called Ritual Studio, when I started receiving clarity and downloads on the project consistently in liminal spaces. It was clear that this was much larger than myself and I couldn’t do it alone, I slowly starting to call in my allies and fellow collaborators. We shifted the name to Ritual Collective, still as a placeholder name — until pristine clarity and direction emerges.
I spent most of my year-long sabbatical in Hawaii and Santa Fe writing and channeling blueprints. I am still in the process of synthesizing this, and will be slowly publishing these blueprint templates (there are a few currently hosted here) and inviting in collaboration through open-source databases of resources such as the Call for Rituals, workshop invitations and much more. Currently you can read more about the ethos and general outline of the vision on the site (all due to be updated soon).
I was given the name, Channel for the Divine Blueprint, at my mystery school — so in essence, I see my role as being an oracular channel and guide for this movement.
It has been clear that the energy is moving towards building the physical prototype and technical marketplace platform for the Jedi School Web. I am thrilled to finally be connecting with the soul tribe with the same mission, and starting a team to work on this together. We hope to have a digital platform built by this Fall 2020.
In a 10-year timeline trajectory, the School is tied into the Collective of many other projects, which some include a Physical headquarters, Media platform, Havens (physical land and urban spaces), a Venture Studio and Fund that are financially supporting the projects through a new economic system based on new values and virtues.
How can you get involved?
Call for Rituals: In response to COVID and this New Order we are entering, we need more than ever rituals to help ground and connect us deeply to Love in all possible dimensions of experience. Many of us have been practicing and cultivating our rituals with discipline and creativity, and now is the time to open and share those with each other.
This is an open source database of Ritual (called the Ritual Codex Project) that will be available 24/7 on this site for you to reference and add to. I encourage you to share any kind of ritual — creative, wellness, spiritual, family, finance, learning — full permission to let your imagination be free! These will remain anonymous, and it can only benefit others by sharing what you’ve learned into the shared pool!
Share your ritual through this simple form that will take 2-3 minutes of your day, and can support a wide network of people in the inter-connected web!
Submit your ritual here: www.ritualcollective.io/call-for-rituals
Thank you in advance for contributing to a wealth of humanity, and our reconnection to Nature in all her majesty!
Call for Ritual Technology tools that might be helpful for others during this time, that other may not know about.
Submit your nomination here (take 3-4 min)
Call for Masterful Teachers and Practitioners: trusted beings that you believe need to be amplified in the world, whose transmission is resonant and supportive for these times, and who are purified and operating from a collective orientation.
Submit your nomination here (takes 2-3 min)
Major seeds were planted this year for a long-term vision of building a network of land-based retreat centers. I had the honor to get to develop and lead a very special project for a foundation in New York to create a blueprint of a short-term and long-term vision for a deeply feminine crystalline temple, school and land could look and feel, as well as become a template for many other future spaces.
We created several community case studies with a children’s mystery school, partnering with 3 schools in NYC to work with the teachers and students to seed healing arts into primary school curriculum, empowering the students and teachers alike.
We focused on process — starting from a deep, yin place of listening and truly collective leadership. Starting with a few gatherings of women’s circles in NYC and on the land, we practiced the new way through our hearts of Service.
The project is continuing and flowering into many different branches and buds. More to follow in 2020.
Working on a land-based project, or healing space?
I want to share the vision blueprint that I created with tons of ideas and visions — if it would be useful for you in your projects, I am opening this up as a gift to the collective! Would appreciate credit and acknowledgement — mostly for all the other people involved in the project. Thank you!
capture by Casea Rose
We always create what we most need. This project was a total experiment and innovation from the inside out, and a courageous collaboration between 4 women: Sadie Kauffman, MariSierra, Mariana and myself. Birthed out of the shared prayer for us to expand the nature of our individual inquiries and healing journeys, we came together in Mexico City and the mountains of Tepotzlan and Malinalco to explore over the course of 6 months of creative process and development. This was an incredible journey of healing the feminine wounds of collaboration, doing our personal work, as well as stepping into the unknown territory of new forms of creative expression of our soul gifts. The process stretched and expanded each of us beyond measure, asking us to continually trust and move beyond our comfort zones. Grateful for the multitudes of lessons from this journey together.
You can read more about my personal journey my vessel and all that has unfolded in the last 6 months healing process through this work here. I will be publishing a larger article on the grander back story of the project, which is a truly karmic and deep level of healing.
I’ve also written an article on the challenges of working with powerful women in general, and some best practices that I’ve learned here.
What is VESSEL?
This learning journey is designed to be a metabolic reset for women to rewire our systems for resilient digestion and energetic abundance to supercharge us to be & work in harmony in an increasingly complex world.
Beginning with a blood test, we’ll enter a month-long program to have an honest look at your system, reset your cells and rewire your nervous system. This process will help you become more resilient, self-aware and clear in making life decisions that are most true for your body, your life/work, and ultimately the world.
The world needs vital female leaders connected to their innate body intelligence.
In this complex times, how do you tend to your wellbeing while dealing with life’s challenges? How will you birth the a new future?
Your body is the vessel of your potential. It requires multiple layers of support to deal with challenging life transitions. We propose a micro-macro approach to support your transformational process:
MICRO: Understand and amplify your vitality at the cellular level. Begin to self-heal through a personalized program that blends groundbreaking scientific research and traditional wisdom.
MACRO: Clarify your life’s purpose, by working directly with the body’s innate wisdom and the revolutionary Life-Design system of the Gene Keys.
Nightingale 2019
What is Nightingale?
The concept behind Nightingale is to serve as a self-guided 1-month year-end-review journey (3-day ceremonial immersion with a preparatory and integration period before and after) to create an intentional container for deep digestion, harvesting, and visioning of your year past and the year coming. Map where you spent time, harvest the wisdom from your projects, photos and writing, and design better organizational systems and rituals to bring more intentionality into your year ahead -- ending with a life envisioning and values compass day to set the direction for the year ahead. We synchronize the work as a small cohort for accountability and mutual inspirations ~ because its always better together.
This year, I woke in Gene Keys readings as supplementary offering to bring more clarity on life's purpose and your soul gifts to orient towards higher alignment.
Personal Reflections & What’s Next:
It was a learning curve for me to balance the zest I feel for curriculum development, and hosting my own internal process. The balance between what I need and what the participants need. I got to incorporate and synthesize many personal studies into the curriculum — one of my favorite things in the world!
I am already working on the curriculum for Nightingale 2020 — which I will be changing entirely from a 1-month course into a year-long curriculum, starting this Fall 2020 - Fall 2021. It will be based on monthly themes, and delivered in three ways: 1) Curriculum on a custom learning platform 2) Ritual calendars that plug into your calendar through an app 3) Physical ritual kit bundles with curated tools and goods.
Gifts for you in these wild times:
Quarantine Musings
Access all tools here: www.ritualcollective.io/quarantine-offerings
Ritual Tracker — plan and track your rituals to stay integrated — body, mind, spirit — both in relationship to self and other.
Reading List — what a beautiful time to dive into those thick books that have been seducing you for weeks, or months! This list are some of the nerdy occult readings I’ve been nose-diving into, from ritual anthropology, temple architecture to biodynamics:
Playlist — soundscapes to soothe your soul during this time.
Cleanse and Reset Immersion
Access the immersion guidelines here: www.ritualcollective.io/cleanse-digest-reset
Want to take this opportunity during quarantine to clean and reset your physical, digital spaces as well as body and mind? What a beautiful time to devote this time. Designed as a 3-day immersion, with additional resources, I’ve customized my Nightingale curriculum and offering this for free for anyone who is wanting to take this courageous plunge into deep self-care — ultimately helping us release the past and move into the new cycle — very practically and with tons of joy!
Expedition + Wellness Retreat Center
Weaving a web of creatives in China around the construction of a wellness lifestyle center as a pilot space in Shanghai.
I’ve worked with the Global Experiences team for several years, starting with a cultural expedition to designing leadership retreats. Last year my primary project was designing a wellness innovative creative space in the middle of Shanghai to reach the cultural influencers in China. With the rise of the wellness and consciousness-shift movement slowly migrating to the east, I have been called for a long time to serve as a bridge between east-and-west, to translate across cultures.
This project was such a joy to work on because I got to collaborate with one of my favorite humans in the world, Richard Hsu. We assembled a creative team of design research, healing architecture and curators to support us in this exploration.
Personal Site Redesign & restructured offerings
As part of this shift in my work, it was a pleasure to re-design my site to align more deeply with my core purpose.
I did almost 50 Gene Keys 1:1 readings last year, a beautiful way to give back and distill all my learnings from my personal studies.
Most of my clients were private foundations and organizations, and remaining quite underground in my work. I moved away from doing design and branding work for clients to focus and put that energy back towards my own Dharma work.
This year, I’m excited to announce that I’ve partnered with a design studio, Latitude, to take care of the design and web work — so I can focus on the high level strategic consulting and creative direction. Reach out if you have any project inquiries!
gratitude to the new COLLECTIVE languages
I was fairly unplugged from all social groups and the Matrix overall — I hardly read the news or consume any media — but there are a few collectives that I stay in tune with their field, as I find their work incredible important in this time in history. Big gratitudes to these communities that have offered deep wisdom and awakenings into the new paradigmatic “Collective language” and which I am honored to be a part:
Deep Tea collective
Aethos / Taohaus collective
Deep gratitude to these other divine guides and teachers who entered my life in divine timing, offering up their mastery and wisdom to mirror and remember within — who I haven’t gotten to name here. You are in my heart and soul imprint forever, and your gifts keep giving!
Visual Bath
Though I have a million journal entries to share about my time in Santa Fe, I’d prefer to just share some snapshots during my time so you can receive the energetic transmission on your own. May it serve and bless you as it has me.
Travels & Sweet Moments
2020 Seeds
sacred intentions
2020 rewiring
There is an active rewriting of our futures on a moment-to-moment basis. And sometimes, we step back and see the larger threads that are weaving themselves through our lives.
These are some of the larger archetypical forces that I’ve been especially attuned to:
Rewriting constructs of INTELLIGENCE & PURPOSE — Trusting and knowing our soul gifts, trainings and direct knowing, and precise intelligences that have been given to us, and not getting swayed by family or societal pressure for our life to look a certain way.
Rewriting concepts of SERVICE & VALUE and what it means to really be in service — Not being based on volume, output and deliverables (though important— but valuing the deepest, ontological process of transfiguration as the primary focus and foundation. To make every step with crystalline clarity and divine guidance.
Rewriting concepts of WEALTH & ABUNDANCE — Opening ourselves to receive a whole new level of support in the Earthly realm — calling in support and alignments in my mission here, from supportive collaborators as well as financial abundance to manifest the divine plan.
Rewriting constructs of SACRED SENSUALITY — Owning our jing, or primal essence and our primal desires for touch, intimacy, connection. Owning the inherent pleasure of being, our sensual nature and sexual nature, and letting go of the old Puritanical programming. Owning our sexual power and using those forces for light, beauty and goodness.
I gave away almost everything I owned last year, a serious purge. Now, every single possession is something I consciously chose to bring into my life — and it feels like a hug and reflection of my core values. I share in the hopes that these can be helpful guidelines for others.
CORE VALUES // principles for anything in my home / space / products / food
Essentialism — minimalism, only what is needed. Sufficiency. Serves clear need and function.
Longevity — quality, is it made to last? Durability and heirloom
Nature — Is it good for Her? Does it connect me deeper to nature? Does it ground me to the Mother?
Beauty — does its very presence bring harmony and beauty to space? Does it resemble humble beauty of Nature?
Ceremony — does it evoke ceremony? Would I use it in ritual?
Story / Lineage — does it tell a story of connection to the maker? Can I feel the love
Vitality — does it contribute to health, wellbeing and vital qi? Can I feel the life force? Does it support healthy decisions and living?
Generosity — is this a tool for more possibility and generosity? Can this be used in service for healing and awakening?
Devoting to Deep Studies & Healing
There is returning to this indigenous relationship to Nature that I am deeply craving — in a way that feels true for me, and not falling into the trap of some of spiritual materialism in disguise.
I am feeling like such a novice on so many accounts, so “learning how to learn” is the practice. I feel like parts of myself are filling back in — coming back online that haven’t been present in a long time. The innocence of curiosity and play and wonder if returning, the sweetness of beginnings and the unknown. The feeling of integrations and weaving parts of myself back together. A profound optimism and hope again for the world. A discovery process that is full of wonder and delight. It feels like a full system reboot, everything being re-coded from the inside out. My sense of awe and wonder feels exponential.
The deep healing process is slow and subtle — it takes time, deep patience, and compassion, like the tending of a garden — there is no quick fix or “one-size-fits-all” solution. Each human is so magnificently unique.
Creative Focus
I feel honored to share that I will be turning Nightingale into a monthly subscription model — with an online curriculum and physical kits. This will be another prototype towards building a new kind of Jedi School Platform with a group of very special collaborators — see more below.
CALL: I’m looking for incredible Ritualists to interview as part of my series called LINEAGE, on carriers of ancient rituals and their oracular systems. If you know of anyone — please give me a shout here!
Here is a little sneak peak into the curriculum for 2020 (likely launching Nov 2020):
Nightingale 2020 Curriculum:
Each month will include some or all:
A PDF overview of that theme / age of time and the spiritual significance of this phase.
Monthly integration ritual at the start of each month
Weekly Ritual -
Transmissions for each pulse throughout the month
Guide to how to orient your week and the themes of focus
The planetary systems of the weekday
Curated Rituals (4 seasons)
Dawn (5-12) - East
Mid-day (12 - 5pm) - North
Dusk (5 - 12am) - West
Dream (12 - 5am) - South
Writing Prompts and Journaling / Sketching spaces for ideation
Visual moodboards and luscious images
Meditations and Visualizations to tap into your higher self and get into flow states
Soundscapes for soul healing and creative state shifts
Inspiring audio interview with a curated ritualist
Resources and recommended reading list
Gatherings / Event recommendations
Product recommendations
ocean diamond
The Ocean Diamond serves as my artist platform to share writings, audio transmissions, interviews, articles, and reading recommendations for this potent time of the collective rebirthing. They are all free to embody the new ethos of post-capitalism Game B philosophy — only here to serve the greater collective. My hope is that these transmissions and writings can support you in navigating these major periods of change and transition.
What are the transmissions?
The Ocean Diamond transmissions alchemize the lineages of Gene Keys, Human Design, Vedic & Western astrology and the I Ching through the feminine vessel of Isis/Gaian consciousness.
The origin story:
After a very special weekend in Sea Ranch with my dearest sisters, I was given this name — as I was calling in a pen name to write and share my voice under — to support this process of coming out of my shell and starting to share my voice more freely again. The experience has been a major re-claiming of my gifts and passion for writing, photography and editorial design. Coming from a lineage of journalists and artists, it feels deeply important to be returning to these roots in a meaningful way.
18-Year Vision: The Web of Jedi Schools
All being divinely unfolded — more soon.
The teams and locations are forming. It is happening. We are doing it.
For current updates, check on the Ritual Collective site.
We need to weave together more than ever — the rising of the Collective rebirth towards a paradigm of Collaboration over competition. If you are working on something that ought to be partnered, or if you are excited to jump on board to support any of these projects, we all need you shining in your highest!
The new story is being written. How can we stay open and imaginative to receive and tell the new myth.
What is your soul genius here to share, to say, to be?
We need each of you shining bright.
The miracle after miracle after miracle.
We’re all in this together.
With such deep grace + gratitude,
Ting Ocean Diamond Kelly